Τετάρτη 14 Μαΐου 2008

In Vain - The Latter Rain (2007)
Indie Recordings

Four years into the making, In vain is ready to unleash their debut “The Latter Rain” to the world. From the point of not knowing anything about this new experimental extreme progressive metal act, I now am filled with desire to explore their creative paths to a full extent. Six full time members and fourteen guest musicians have created a unique product which will leave marks in the current international extreme metal scene. To tag In Vain as being “newcomers” is a blatant understatement as The Latter Rain is remarkably professional composed and produced.The Latter Rain consists of 10 tracks, clocking in on more than an hour of total playing time. What we're dealing with here is extreme metal with a great deal of melody, atmosphere and growing ability, music that has a complexity so grave that there's no chance you can pass judgements after just a couple of spins...It is customary at some point in a review to construct a frame of reference by naming some well-known representatives of a certain genre with which the band in question shares musical inclinations or directions, but with 'The Latter Rain' that would be a waste of time, as too much is happening to label everything specifically. Suffice to say that during the more that sixty minutes duration of this record, there is no dull moment to be found. It is not every day that something as good as 'The Latter Rain' is released!


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