Nuclear Blast
Tiamat was one of those bands that started out death/doom and really got the whole doom vibe hyped up in the early nineties, then became gay as shit gothic, gained a bunch of fans and lost a whole lot more (or less, who knows).Amanethes is the first record in 5 years and nobody really expected that Johan Edlund and Co would tie in with the class of an “Astral Sleep” record. Well “Amanethes” doesn’t sound like “Astral Sleep” at all, it rather sounds like a best of Tiamat and every single Band influence can clearly be heard out!From the Hippie sounding ballad rock song “Meliae” with nice soulful guitar solos over to the typical 80ties rock song “Summertime is gone“, to the evil rock and goth song “The Temple of the crescent moon”, Tiamat shows the listener that they have great skills in mixing different styles without sounding boring or immature.With “Amanethes”, a mixture of the best Tiamat has ever created, they will target a lot of the older Fans but they will also get the attention of the rest of the music world!
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