Τετάρτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2008

Dismember - Dismember (2008)
Regain Records

This band was part of the Swedish Death Metal movement that kicked in the Metal scene somewhere in 1988 with famous acts like AT THE GATES or ENTOMBED. DISMEMBER did not follow the evolution path of their homeland’s Metal scene towards the so-called Melodic Death Metal genre, but remained loyal to their prime sound. I figured the songwriting department would be where they really took a hit but Dismember have managed to pick up the slack left by his departure. The songs themselves are similar to what Dismember have been doing forever but the production on this album really makes it work. This album is going to blow out a few speakers, not just mine. This is no-bullshit Stockholm style death at its finest. It warms my heart to know someone is still doing this, now to hope Bloodbath come up with a good one to tide me over until the next Dismember record.Now go and grab it you pussies! :P


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